Singapore proposes regional framework for submarine operations

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has proposed a regional framework for submarine operations safety.
The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has proposed a regional framework for submarine operations safety.

Speaking at a panel discussion during the 2015 International Maritime Security Conference (IMSC), Chief of Navy Rear Admiral Lai Chung Han said an accident is waiting to happen as growing number of submarines and surface ships traversing the shallow waters of the East Sea.

RADM Lai estimated that the navies of the Asia Pacific could operate more than 130 diesel electric submarines by 2020.

He suggested an information exchange, starting with the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) so as to build trust and confidence trust and confidence.

The IFC was set up in 2009 in Changi to share information on maritime security and the shipping of weapons. It has a network of 13 military navies and 51 civilian shipping firms globally.-VNA

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