Singapore proposes to hold 'dangerous offenders' beyond prison terms

Singapore is proposing to hold "dangerous offenders" indefinitely, even after they complete their jail sentences, according to a bill submitted to parliament on January 10.
Singapore proposes to hold 'dangerous offenders' beyond prison terms ảnh 1Illustrative Image (

Hanoi (VNA) -  Singapore is proposing to hold "dangerous offenders" indefinitely, even after they complete their jail sentences, according to a bill submitted to parliament on January 10.

The proposed legislation will apply to those above 21 who are convicted of crimes that include culpable homicide, rape and sex with minors.

In a joint statement, the law and home affairs ministries said the measure will be a "severe sentence" but it will "better protect the public from dangerous offenders". The court will decide if an offender falls under what it calls the sentence for enhanced public protection.

The statement said that the ministries want to ensure that such dangerous and high-risk offenders are not released back into the community until they no longer pose a threat to public safety.

Under the proposed bill, such offenders would not be automatically released after completing their prison terms, unless the home affairs minister deems they are no longer a threat to the public.

The bill will be debated by lawmakers at a later date but is likely to be passed, with the ruling People's Action Party holding a majority of parliamentary seats./.


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