Singapore Summit discusses Asia’s economic growth

The Singapore Summit themed “Asia 2030” opened in the city-state on September 20, drawing 400 thought leaders and experts across the world.
Singapore Summit discusses Asia’s economic growth ảnh 1Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat (L) at the Singapore Summit (Photo: )
Singapore (VNA) – The Singapore Summit themed “Asia 2030” opened in the city-state on September 20, drawing 400 thought leaders and experts across the world.

In his opening speech, Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat said Asia’s economic influence has been strengthened over the time, but also faces important challenges to its growth prospects.

He said countries should work to strengthen social stability and cooperate to tackle current global challenges.

The main session of the two-day summit will deal with challenges and prospects for Asia in the next decade.

In addition, participants will discuss implications of cross-border relations and interdependence on businesses in Northeast Asia, measures to take advantage of the demographic and digital dividend for robust growth in Southeast Asia and foster women’s leadership for inclusive growth, among others.

Established in 2012, the annual Singapore Summit brings together business leaders and thought leaders from Asia and around the world to discuss global trends in business, finance and geopolitics, as well as the impact on regional and international growth, prosperity and stability./.

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