Singapore to extend COVID-19 testing

Singapore has decided to extend testing for the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 for more groups of citizens.
Singapore to extend COVID-19 testing ảnh 1Medical staff in personal protective equipment conduct a COVID-19 swab test on a worker at a foreign workers' dormitory (Photo: EPA-EFE)
Hanoi (VNA) – Singapore has decided to extend testing for the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 for more groups of citizens. 

Stallholders, stall assistants and cleaners working at 110 hawker centres and markets and more than 1,120 coffee shops, as well as food delivery personnel operating in the locality of these eating places can go for the voluntary testing due to their higher frequency of interactions with the public, said a joint news release on October 15.

The testing operations will be rolled out to different regions of Singapore before the end of the year.

A pilot run of the voluntary COVID-19 swab tests was conducted for stallholders, stall assistants and cleaners working at three selected hawker centres and markets and seven coffee shops in the Marine Parade in September, as well as food delivery personnel operating in the locality. 

Over 750 people took the test and there was no positive COVID-19 case.

On October 15, Singapore reported three new COVID-19 cases, with two imported cases and one patient residing in the dormitory who is detected through routine testing. The country’s tally has risen to 57,892./.


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