Skills needed for ASEAN youth to deal with future challenges

ASEAN citizens, especially youth with digital and technological savvy, need to build and improve their skills to develop further in the future, according to an article on Indonesia’s Jakarta Globe.
Skills needed for ASEAN youth to deal with future challenges ảnh 1Digital Economy in ASEAN - Illustrative photo (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – ASEAN citizens, especially youth with digital and technological savvy, need to build and improve their skills to develop further in the future, according to the article “What skills and values do ASEAN countries need to meet the challenges of the future?” published on Indonesia’s Jakarta Globe online newspaper.

According to the article, young people need both hard and soft life skills to capitalise on the digital assets in the region. 

Hard skills mean being able to capture, translate and interpret data through data analytics and machine learning. Youth should also possess skills of filtering and judging the massive amount of data, thus gaining insights from data analysis. 

Soft skills include sympathy, humility, attentiveness, open mindedness, diligence, emotional intelligence, social and behavioural understanding. These drive intuition and discernment to get the essential truth and elevate insights. 

Cross cultural and identity understanding is another needed skill for ASEAN youngsters, said the article. 

They should be united and anchored as one ASEAN identity to meet the challenges of an uncertain future. Integrating into the ASEAN common identity can facilitate job creation and create new technology ecosystems.

Finally, the article suggested that ASEAN youth should sharpen their network connectivity skill which involves deep domain learning, acquiring knowledge in an area or many sectors. 

It will allow young people to be part of a networked community to contribute to the diversity of the cluster. 

The approach combining sectoral level skills with diversity will promote a wealthier society while helping people become more tolerant, thus building up a prosperous and stable region. 

Building and developing the skills largely depend on the determination and will of youth in pursuing their dreams and goals. 

Meanwhile, leaders of ASEAN should encourage and create favourable conditions for their citizens to participate effectively in the new technology revolution, thus allowing the bloc to achieve its goal of a resilient, inclusive and people-centered region set in the ASEAN Vision by 2025. - VNA


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