Smuggled sugar from Thailand seized in Philippines

The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) seized 57 container vans full of smuggled sugar from Thailand with a total value of more than 85 million pesos (1.82 million USD) on August 27.
Smuggled sugar from Thailand seized in Philippines ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source:

The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) seized 57 container vans full of smuggled sugar from Thailand with a total value of more than 85 million pesos (1.82 million USD) on August 27.

According to the BOC, this is the largest smuggling case it has uncovered this year in terms of both volume and value.

A BOC official said that the shipment arrived at the Manila International Container Port (MICP) between last month and last week.

To avoid being detected, the shipments were declared as kitchen utensils and office supplies.

The BOC said that a total of 189 container vans of smuggled sugar worth more than 284 million pesos (6.08 million USD) have been seized so far this year at the MICP, Cebu port and Cagayan de Oro port.-VNA


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