Soc Trang develops eco-tourism in Dung islet

Emblazoned with lush carpet of forest with diversified flora and fauna, Cu Lao Dung (Dung islet) in the Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang boasts huge potential to develop eco-tourism.
Soc Trang develops eco-tourism in Dung islet ảnh 1Lush carpet of forest in Cu Lao Dung

Soc Trang (VNA) – Emblazoned with lush carpet of forest with diversified flora and fauna, Cu Lao Dung (Dung islet) in the Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang boasts huge potential to develop eco-tourism.

Surrounded by criss-cross canal system, Cu Lao Dung is home to 77 species of birds, 15 species of reptiles and amphibians, and 18 species of mammal animals, including some 300-400 long-tailed monkeys living in the mangrove forest.

The islet is also well-off for seafood and aquatic creatures with 661 types of fish, 35 types of shrimp, 23 types of cuttlefish as well as many kinds of crabs and molluscs.

Blessed with favourable climate, Cu Lao Dung is an ideal destination for those who want to experience discovery and leisure tourism. Besides being attracted by orchards in An Thanh Nhut and An Thanh Tay communes, visitors will have a chance to contemplate immense sugar cane fields and colourful flower gardens, enjoy local staples and visit cultural and historic relic sites like Uncle Ho Temple and Rach Gia victory memorial site.

The Cu Lao Dung district People’s Committee is building a master plan to branch out eco-tourism in companion with preserving natural resources.

Due attention will be given to upgrading infrastructure, training personnel and developing standout tourism products.

The district will issue preferential mechanisms and policies to attract tourism investments while foster promotion activities to introduce standout features of Cu Lao Dung to domestic and international friends. Cooperation with travel agents is also put in the first line of measures to lure visitors to the islet.

Regarding biodiversity preservation, the district will continue programmes to safeguard endangered animals, sustainably protect coastal preventive forests, carry out pilot projects on clean development in forestry, and encourage initiatives aimed at sustainable forestry land management in combination with poverty alleviation.

Also, it will work to create stable livelihoods for local people.-VNA

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