Socialism building and national defence always go together: President

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired a meeting of the steering committee for building a scheme to review the 10-year implementation of the Party's resolution on the national defence strategy in the new situation, in Hanoi on April 28.
Socialism building and national defence always go together: President ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and delegates at the meeting pose for a group photo. (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – President Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired a meeting of the steering committee for building a scheme to review the 10-year implementation of the Party's resolution on the national defence strategy in the new situation, in Hanoi on April 28.

At the meeting, representatives from ministries and agencies looked into the world situation that would impact national defence in the new situation, and the implementation of programmes and plans launched by all-level Party Committees and organisations, in combination with the review of the 10-year implementation of the resolution adopted at the eight plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee.

In his remarks, President Phuc, who is also head of the steering committee, emphasised the significance of the resolution as it demonstrates new guidelines and mindset as well as breakthroughs in the Party leadership over national defence in the new situation.

It identifies targets, viewpoints, tasks and solutions given the new situation of the world and the region, and international integration, thus creating consensus in awareness and responsibility among officials and Party members, the State leader said.

Reviewing the implementation outcomes, he said the entire Party, army and people have made efforts to maintain political stability and a peaceful environment for national construction and development.

The new situation, with both opportunities and challenges, requires Vietnam to continuously consolidate and intensify its strength in national defence and security, and build people’s armed forces.

Socialism building and national defence should always go together, the President stressed.

Regarding the review scheme, he said it should point out both achievements and shortcomings as well as reasons behind and lessons during the implementation, adding that tasks and solutions should be proposed for the years to come./.

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