Southeast Asian, European universities discuss higher education governance reform

A workshop on building common development strategies for higher education was held at the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in Belgium on September 29, attracting representatives of eight Vietnamese and Cambodian universities and the Francophone University Agency (AUF).
Southeast Asian, European universities discuss higher education governance reform ảnh 1Hanoi University is among the Vietnamese schools joining the Renewed University Steering in Southeast Asia (PURSEA) project. (Photo: VNA)
Brussels (VNA) – A workshop on building commondevelopment strategies for higher education was held at the Free University ofBrussels (ULB) in Belgium on September 29, attracting representatives of eightVietnamese and Cambodian universities and the Francophone University Agency (AUF).

Participants discussed skills in making strategic plans onhigher education, plan implementation, the establishment of systems for assessingteaching quality and assisting lecturers, and policies for research and capitalisationof research findings, which are all important to Southeast Asian universities,especially in Vietnam and Cambodia, during the reform of higher educationgovernance.

The workshop was part of the Renewed University Steering inSoutheast Asia (PURSEA) project funded by the EU from 2020 to 2023 within theframework of the Erasmus - Key Action 2 programme that aims at improvinguniversities’ capacity.

The Vietnamese schools in the PURSEA project comprise theHanoi University, the Hanoi Architectural University, the University ofTransport and Communications, the University of Science and Technology underthe Da Nang University, along with the University of Social Sciences andHumanities and the University of Economics and Law under the Vietnam National University- Ho Chi Minh City.

Five universities and institutes of France, one university ofBelgium, and another from Germany provide experts and experience under the project.

Sandrine Canter, who is in charge of the ULB’s qualitydivision, said PURSEA is an ambitious and important project which has seenimpressive performance by Vietnamese and Cambodian universities despite theCOVID-19 pandemic over the last two years.

She also highly valued the Vietnamese partners’ efforts andcapacity in coordinating this project.

Prior to this workshop, representatives of the Vietnamese andCambodian schools had exchanged experience in this field with leaders of the Universityof Lorraine in France’s Nancy city./.

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