Spring Press Festival wraps up

The Spring Press Festival 2015 reflected the Vietnamese revolutionary press’s fresh development and its closeness with the Party and people, Dinh The Huynh, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Popularisation and Education Commission affirmed at the festival’s closing ceremony in Hanoi on February 10.
The Spring Press Festival 2015 reflected the Vietnamese revolutionary press’s fresh development and its closeness with the Party and people, Dinh The Huynh, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Popularisation and Education Commission affirmed at the festival’s closing ceremony in Hanoi on February 10.

Huynh, who is Politburo member and Party Central Committee Secretary, stated that journalistic products have reported vividly physical changes in the country, introducing to the world the joint, active efforts during the ongoing renewal process as well as the nation-building and defense course.

He expressed hopes that the press agencies and journalists nationwide will build on the traditions of the Vietnamese revolutionary press to contribute to the successes of the Party congresses at all levels in 2015 in the run-up to the 12 th National Party Congress.

Earlier on the day, Nguyen Thien Nhan, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and Politburo member, visited the Festival and toured the display booths, including that of the Vietnam News Agency, which was awarded Prize A.

Nhan stated that the media brought to people accurate information relating to national development orientations without delay while reflecting people’s feedback and aspirations to the Party and State. The Vietnam Fatherland Front has always relied on the press system to relay its voice to people and vice versa.

On February 7, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong beat a drum to open the Spring Press Festival 2015, the largest of its kind so far with the participation of 65 media agencies.

On 120 display booths were publications, including Spring and Lunar New Year editions, presenting an overall view on the history of Vietnam’s revolutionary press, the country’s socio-economic achievements, and the State laws and Party’s policies and guidelines.

The festival was to coincide with the 85th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3), the 125th birthday anniversary of the late President Ho Chi Minh (May 19), the 70th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day (September 2), and the 40th anniversary of southern liberation and national unification.

The media sector is to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association (VJA) and the 90th anniversary of the Vietnam’s Revolutionary Press Day, towards the 10th Congress of the association.

The event was co-hosted by the VJA, which initiated the festival in 1991, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Popularisation and Education, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the municipal People’s Committee.-VNA

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