State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh

A State funeral was held on May 3 in Hanoi for former President Le Duc Anh, who passed away on Aprill 22 at the age of 99.
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 1The delegation of the Party Central Committee lines up to pay tribute to former President General Le Duc Anh (Photo:VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 2 Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh reads the special communiqué on the national mourning for former President General Le Duc Anh at the ceremony (Photo: VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 3The delegation of the Party Central Committee pays tribute to former President General Le Duc Anh (Photo:VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 4The delegation of the Party Central Committee queue to pay tribute to former President General Le Duc Anh (Photo:VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 5Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc offers incense to former President General Le Duc Anh at the ceremony (Photo:VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 6Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc offers incense to former President General Le Duc Anh at the ceremony (Photo:VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 7Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan and National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan pay tribute to former President General Le Duc Anh (Photo:VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 8 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc offers condolence to family members of former President General Le Duc Anh at the ceremony (Photo: VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 9A view of the ceremony (Photo:VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 10The delegation of Vietnamese government, led by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, pays respect to former President General Le Duc Anh
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 11The delegation of the National Assembly led by Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan pays respect to former President General Le Duc Anh (Photo: VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 12The delegation of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, led by its President Tran Thanh Man, pays tribute to former President General Le Duc Anh (Photo: VNA)
State funeral for former President Le Duc Anh ảnh 13HCM City holds respect-paying ceremony for former President Le Duc Anh (Photo: VNA)

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