Steering committee meets theoretical council to discuss law-governed state

Standing members of the steering committee in charge of a project to draft a strategy for building and completing a law-governed socialist state of Vietnam by 2030, with a vision to 2045, held a meeting with the Central Theoretical Council in Hanoi on August 11.
Steering committee meets theoretical council to discuss law-governed state ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (standing) chairs the meeting in Hanoi on August 11. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Standing members of the steering committee in charge of a project to draft a strategy for building and completing a law-governed socialist state of Vietnam by 2030, with a vision to 2045, held a meeting with the Central Theoretical Council in Hanoi on August 11.

Members of the council showed their support for the draft strategy, which they said has been prepared in a methodological, democratic and scientific manner that guarantees the Party’s comprehensive and absolute leadership, firmly maintains the socialist orientation, and doesn’t include loopholes for hostile forces to take advantage of to sabotage the Party, State or regime.

The draft has selectively absorbed international experience, inherited and brought into play the achievements in building the law-governed socialist state of Vietnam after over 35 years of reforms, identified breakthroughs, set up appropriate tasks and solutions, and included long-term orientations to help the country develop fast and sustainably, they noted.

At the meeting, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, head of the steering committee, highly valued the council’s contributions to the project, asking the drafting group to collect the council’s opinions in full to perfect the draft.

The council will continue clarifying theoretical issues on law-governed socialist state building and completion to help fulfill its historic mission and rapidly develop the country, according to the State leader./.

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