Hanoi(VNA) – The National Energy Development Strategy by 2030, with vision to2045 aims to ensure national energy security, which serves as a foundationfor growth.
With such importance,the Politburo has approved a resolution which sets directions for the strategy.
According to thePolitburo, Vietnam is facing challenges in meeting national energy securitytargets and still has to import energy due to insufficient domestic supplies.Many power projects have been delayed and several projects invested byState-owned enterprises have incurred losses while the efficiency of energyexploitation remains low.
Therefore, the strategywill prioritise rapid and sustainable energy development along withenvironmental protection and national security safeguarding. It also aims todiversify sources of energy and effectively use renewable, clean and newenergy sources.
Vietnam will prioritise wind and solar powerand encourage investment in power plants using urban waste, biomass and solidwaste in parallel with environmental protection and the circular economy.
According to theresolution, the proportion of renewable energy should account for 15 to 20 percentof total power output by 2030 and 25 to 30 percent by 2045.
The Politburo hasset saving energy and protecting the environment as the core policy.
By 2030, theenergy-saving level is set to make up for 7 percent of total power consumptionand about 14 percent by 2045.
The Politburo has alsourged for the use of technology in the energy sector, looking towardsa future in which Vietnam will be able to manufacture most energy-producing andusing devices.
According to thestrategy, the country will build a smart and effective powernetwork connected to the region. By 2030, Vietnam will be among threeASEAN countries with the highest access-to-electricity index.
Local oil refineryfacilities are expected to meet 70 percent of domestic demand.
To realise thosetargets, the Politburo will encourage all economic sectors, especiallyprivate businesses, to invest in energy projects. It asked for creating atransparent environment and removing all barriers to attract and encourage theprivate sector to invest in domestic and foreign energy projects.
It is necessary to speed up oil and gasexploration activities to increase reserves and production.
The Politburo has calledfor the development of a new coal strategy to make effective investmentoverseas, import coal in the long term as well as tap the coal potential inthe Red River Delta./.