Students’ association in Italy convenes first congress

The Vietnamese Students’ Association in Italy (ASVI) convened its first congress for the 2021-2023 tenure in the form of videoconference on January 29.
Students’ association in Italy convenes first congress ảnh 1At the congress held in the form of a videoconference (Photo: VNA)
Rome (VNA) – The Vietnamese Students’ Association in Italy (ASVI) convened its first congress for the 2021-2023 tenure in the form of videoconference on January 29.

At the event, participants reviewed activities of the ASVI and students campaigns in the recent past, as well as mapped out targets, orientations, tasks and action plans of Vietnamese youths in Italy in the new term.

In her remarks, Vietnamese Ambassador to Italy Nguyen Thi Bich Hue appreciated contributions by the ASVI, calling on the association to improve quality of its activities in a bid to fulfill the set targets, promote Vietnam’s images and enhance Vietnam-Italy relations.

The ASVI aims to connect all Vietnamese students in the European nation via activities such as the Day of Vietnamese students in Italy, sporting events, exchange programmes, fairs and exhibitions.

In addition, it works to foster learning opportunities and support new students in finding accommodations, as well as completing administrative procedures and documents on scholarships. The association also connects students and businesses in Italy./.

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