Survey reveals shifts in Vietnamese shopper habits

A recent survey conducted by NIQ, a leading authority in consumer and shopper insights, has uncovered notable changes in shopping behaviour among Vietnamese consumers in 2024.

The survey, titled Shopper Trends, has identified a growing trend of increased discernment and price sensitivity among Vietnamese shoppers, particularly in response to price fluctuations.

While deal-seeking behaviour is on the rise, consumers continue to value trusted brands and high-quality products, and are often willing to pay premium prices for these attributes, the survey reported.

The survey reveals a decline in supermarket visits for fresh food purchases, with a growing number of shoppers favouring smaller-format stores like minimarts and online channels.

With about 30% of shoppers conducting online searches before grocery shopping, maintaining a robust digital presence is essential for retailers. Digital channels serve as valuable touchpoints to provide information, engage with customers, and enhance the overall shopping experience./.