Thai pediatric research to be presented at int'l forum

Stem cell research by a Thai pediatrician will be presented at the annual forum of the International Society for Cellular Therapy.

Bangkok (VNA/NNT) - Stem cell research by a Thai pediatrician will be presented at the annual forum of the International Society for Cellular Therapy.

Dr. Waratsaya Fongsarun, who specialises in pediatric hematology and oncology, performed a study commissioned by Thai StemLife Company Limited, a private stem cell provider. Her research explores factors affecting stem cell collection in the blood stream and using stem cells to treat knee deterioration.

The research marked a milestone in stem cell development in Thailand. Currently, stem cells are being used to treat blood diseases, with research being conducted for other illnesses. 

The Thai Ministry of Public Health is preparing to propose a stem cell bill to protect consumers and promote homegrown research in the future.-VNA


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