Thailand launches mobile phone app to help control COVID-19

The Thai Government will launch a new mobile phone app named “Thai Chana” to facilitate the disease-control tracking of customers when shops are allowed to reopen with the easing of the coronavirus lockdown.
Thailand launches mobile phone app to help control COVID-19 ảnh 1Measuring body temperature in Thailand (Source: AFP/VNA)

Bangkok (VNA) – The Thai Government will launch a new mobile phone app named “Thai Chana” to facilitate the disease-control tracking of customers when shops are allowed to reopen with the easing of the coronavirus lockdown.

Taweesilp Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration, said on May 14 that shop owners will register online for a QR code that will be placed in front of their shop.

Customers will use their mobile phone to scan the code as they enter and leave the premises.

Taweesilp said the Thai Chana app will serve 70-80 percent of people based on the number of mobile phone users, who account for 70-80 percent of Thailand's population.

Young children and elderly people who do not use mobile phones will be able to use manual registration, he said.

The app is expected to facilitate the government's attempts to quickly track people infected with Covid-19 and those in close contact with them. Its effectiveness will lead to the further reopening of businesses and activities, he said.

Thailand reported seven new COVID-19 cases on May 15, raising the total to 3,025, including 56 deaths./.

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