Thailand, Malaysia strengthen cooperation on defence, border security

Thailand and Malaysia will strengthen cooperation on defence as well as border security, said Thai acting Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan.
Thailand, Malaysia strengthen cooperation on defence, border security ảnh 1Thai acting Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan. (Photo: Reuters)
Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand and Malaysia will strengthen cooperation on defence as well as border security, said Thai acting Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan.

He said Malaysian Senior Minister of Defence Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein’s visit was a good opportunity to advance cooperation between the two countries in the area of defence.

The exchange of visits at all levels will also strengthen cooperation in all dimensions, especially on border cooperation, he noted.

Prawit said Thailand and Malaysia agreed to push forward infrastructure projects at the Thai-Malaysian borders.

The Malaysian defence minister was in Bangkok at the invitation of Defence Minister Prayuth Chan o-cha, and attended the Defence & Security Expo 2022 at the IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Centre.

Previously, Malaysia and Thailand have announced they will set up “strong villages” along the border with the aim of strengthening border security cooperation as well as boosting the local population’s socio-economic development. The programme will be implemented in January next year after receiving approval from the defence ministries of the two countries./.     

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