Pol. Gen. Adul has addressed concerns and criticism from manysectors regarding the recent negotiation with the RoK officials to remove Thainationals found working illegally in the RoK from the country's blacklist.
The action to remove the blacklist was seen by many sides asnot a way to solve this problem from the root cause. However, the Labour Ministersaid this move is one small action from a whole package discussed with the RoKauthorities.
The Thai officials have made a recent visit to several citiesin the RoK to meet with local employers who expressed their wishes for the Thaigovernment to negotiate with the RoK, to increase the number of legal migrantworkers from Thailand to the RoK’s quota from 5,000 persons annually asbusinesses in Korea are in demand of skilled workers. They also encouraged theThai authorities to provide better Korean language training for these workers.
Local employers have also proposed the Thai officialsconvince RoK authorities to extend employment period in the country from amaximum of nine years, allowing migrant workers to work in extendable fouryears and 10 months terms.
The Labour Minister said the RoK authorities have taken thesesuggestions into consideration, and will cooperate with Thai authorities onthis matter, while the request to remove illegal workers from the blacklist isintended to allow Thai workers to begin their life again free from legalconsequences.
He said these groups of people already have the advantage ofhaving better language skills and are better adapted to the Korean society, andhave the potential to be hired back in a better position if they receive moretraining from Thailand, only if they are exempted from the blacklist whichwould bar them from entering the RoK.-NNT/VNA