Thailand: Southern coastal provinces tighten security

A number of coastal tourist destinations in southern Thailand have intensified security measures following warnings of possible attacks.
Thailand: Southern coastal provinces tighten security ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: Reuters)

Bangkok (VNA)
– A number of coastal tourist destinations in southern Thailand have intensified security measures following warnings of possible attacks.

The local media reported that southern provinces along the Andaman Sea, including Krabi and Phuket, have raised their alert level as a warning of potential violence was circulated on social media.

An intelligence report mentioned that southern militants might launch attacks on tourist attractions in Krabi and two other coastal provinces that would be similar to an attack in Krabi in August last year.

As a result, Krabi has installed surveillance cameras in commercial areas and tourist attractions and tightened security at its international airport.

In Phuket, locals were urged to report suspicious activities to authorities, while check points at ports and airports are put on high alert.

Since August 2015, Thailand has sustained several bombings, including the one at the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok's Rajprasong tourist district that killed 20, and the August 2016 attacks on tourist sites in seven southern provinces.

Recently, three bombings rocked the capital of Bangkok in less than two months. - VNA     

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