Thailand Tourism Festival 2019 concludes

The Thailand Tourism Festival 2019 wrapped up on January 27, drawing huge crowds during five days.
Thailand Tourism Festival 2019 concludes ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source:

Bangkok (NNT/VNA) – The Thailand Tourism Festival 2019 wrapped up on January 27, drawing huge crowds during five days.

Annually organised by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the event aimed to inspire Thais, expatriates, and visiting tourists alike to travel around the kingdom, aka Land of Smiles.

Held at Lumpini Park, the festival was dubbed as the largest tourism fair in Thailand, featuring five “tourism villages” representing different regions of Thailand, plus two additional zones of activities.

The fair transformed Lumpini Park into a mini representation of the kingdom with replicas of landmarks and examples of cultural events. Other highlights were cultural processions, musical performances, cuisine and tasty treats from all regions.

The five tourism villages displayed the unique and different ways of life of Thai people, in addition to the “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle” waste initiative zone that helped raise awareness and promote responsible and sustainable tourism through various activities and games.-NNT/VNA

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