Thanh Hoa to celebrate 990th naming anniversary

Lam Son Square in the north central province of Thanh Hoa will be turned into a kaleidoscopic stage for a grand ceremony to mark the 990th anniversary of the locality’s naming on May 8.
Thanh Hoa to celebrate 990th naming anniversary ảnh 1Ho citadel is an iconic symbol of Thanh Hoa province.(Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Lam Son Square in the north central province of ThanhHoa will be turned into a kaleidoscopic stage for a grand ceremony to mark the 990thanniversary of the locality’s naming on May 8.

More than 500 actors and actresses will take part in the colourful andmusically dazzling ceremony, giving the audience a glimpse of Thanh Hoa’sculture and development history for years, with the use of breath-takingeffects, lighting, and expressive choreography.

Popular theatre playwright and general director of the programme Le Quy Duongsaid at a press conference held in Hanoi on April 17 that tuong (classicaldrama), cheo (traditional opera), bronze drum performance, and recitation willbe delivered on a splendid stage arranged with iconic symbols of Thanh Hoaprovince, including Dong Co temple, the citadel of the Ho Dynasty, Le Loistatute, and Ham Rong bridge.

Themed “Shining with the nation”, the programme will be developed in threechapters: a sacred land of extraordinary people, heroic tradition andaspiration for prosperity.

Duong said that there should be more programmes on culture and history of thenation like this, helping the young generation have deeper understanding of thenation’s culture and history, and how ancestors protected and built thecountry.

Last month, a worship ceremony dedicated to Heaven and Earth was held for thefirst time after 617 years at Nam Giao Worship Platform built during the HoDynasty in 1402. The ceremony was part of a series of events organised this year tocelebrate the 990th anniversary of the province’s naming.

The worship ceremonyreflected a part of the ancient ritual conducted by the Ho Dynasty in the past.The event gathered thousands of Ho descendants from across the country, localsand tourists.

Historical documents sayNam Giao Worshipping Ceremony was one of the most important rituals underfeudalism. The ceremony praises Heaven and Earth gods to confirm the power ofthe kings, who were assigned by Heaven and Earth to manage the country andpeople. Only the kings had the right and morality to conduct the worshipceremony.

Under the reign of HoQuy Ly (1336-1407), the ceremony was conducted by the king every year to wishfor prosperity.

The Nam Giao Platform atthe Ho Dynasty Citadel is among three most ancient and intact worshippingplatforms of its kind in Vietnam. The platform was built in August 1402 intoday’s Vinh Loc district, 2.5 km to the southeast of the famed Ho Citadel, aUNESCO’s World Culture Heritage site.

The platform covers 2hectares, leaning against Dun Mountain and looking over Nam Giao rice field. Ithas several levels, smaller from the foundation to the higher levels. Awell-polished stone path leads to the platform, which was mainly built by bluestones and baked clay bricks and tiles.

Thanh Hoa province has recorded specialhallmarks in the national protection and construction. It is home to manyvestiges of ancient Vietnamese people with a wide range of prominent artifactsof the Dong Son culture of the Bronze Age. -VNA

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