The art of lotus tea: Meticulous craft behind 1,000 blossoms

Every June, as the lotus buds unfurl their delicate petals, families in Quang An Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, bustle with the enchanting craft of lotus tea making.

Artisan Ngo Thi Than, who has been making lotus tea for over 50 years, revealed the traditional craft involves using Tan Cuong green tea from the northern province of Thai Nguyen – the largest tea cultivation area in Vietnam.

This tea is then infused with Bach Diep lotus flowers grown in the West Lake, creating a distinctive and unique flavor that cannot be found elsewhere.

The process of making lotus tea may seem simple, but to have the best taste, it requires meticulousness and sophistication.

Lotus flowers are picked from early morning until noon when they are at their purest. When brought home, they must be washed thoroughly. The petals and lotus seeds are separated to prepare the ingredients for making tea.

A well-made pot of tea has a clear green-yellow liquid. Sipping lotus tea provides a soothing and relaxing experience.

Over time, the art of making otus tea in Quang An has become a specialty of Hanoians and a precious gift for visitors from near and far./.