Thousands in Quang Ngai face high risk of landslide

Thousands of households in mountainous or riverside areas of central Quang Ngai province are potentially in the path of landslides, which become a high risk during the flood season.
Thousands in Quang Ngai face high risk of landslide ảnh 1A landslide recently occured at the Nghia Dung commune of Quang Ngai province. (Photo: VNA)

Quang Ngai (VNA) - Thousands of households in mountainous or riverside areas of central Quang Ngai province are potentially in the path of landslides, which become a high risk during the flood season.

Huynh Thuong, vice chairman of the province's mountainous Ba To district People's Committee, said 37 landslide-prone areas had been identified in the district.

Local residents were asked to prepare for evacuation during the rainy seasons, he said.

Thuong said local residents are still reeling from the abnormally heavy rain that caused off-season floods in late March. The rain also caused a landslide of about 60,000 cubic metres of soil and stones, forcing thousands of residents to remain isolated for days.

In Tan Tra district, another mountainous district in the province, local authorities identified 15 landslide-prone areas, affecting 135 households.

Phan Van Hien, vice head of the district's Flood and Storm Prevention and Control Team, said landslides and rockslides threaten all communes during the rainy season because of strong water flow from nearby springs.

Duong Van To, director of the province's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said the landslide also threatens riverside areas because local rivers are usually short, narrow and sloping.

Strong water flow coupled with flash floods make the landslide more serious.

There are about 130 landslide-prone areas along 160km of local rivers in the districts of Tra Bong, Tra Khuc, Song Ve and Tra Cau.

To said before the rainy season, the department and relevant agencies examined and reinforced embankments along rivers.

For years, the province planned to build resettlement areas for residents who live in landslide-prone areas, To said. However, many residents refused to move and build new houses because of moderate support from the State.-VNA


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