Bac Lieu (VNA) – Morethan 4,000 people took part in the annual Nghinh Ong (Whale Worship) Festivalthat fishermen in the Mekong province of Bac Lieu honour the giant marine mammals.
Thethree-day event ended on February 25 or the tenth day of the Lunar New Year atthe Ong Duyen Hai Temple (Whale Temple) in Vinh Thinh commune, Hoa Binhdistrict.
The festival featured many activities like parades on both land and sea inhonour of the whale, rituals to pray for good weather and bumper catches,cultural events, dragon dances, and folk games.
The ninth day of the first lunar month, the festival’s main day, attracted 30fishing boats carrying locals, visitors, dragons used in the dances, gongs anddrums out to sea.
According to the oganisation board, following a boat accident killing two inthe previous festival, Bac Lieu has asked agencies and locals to abide by thefestival’s regulations and closely controlled the number of boats going out tosea during the festival.
Cau Ngu or Nghing Ong festival is a cultural identity of south central coastallocalities, which has been preserved and passed down through generations. Thefestival is to pray for bumper hauls of fish, safe voyages and peace for thenation.
The localities organise the festival at different times, from the first monthto the sixth month of lunar calenda. -VNA