Top leader requests prompt settlement of serious corruption cases

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong urged relevant agencies to complete dealing with serious corruption cases on schedule, while addressing a meeting of the standing board of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption in Hanoi on November 18.
Top leader requests prompt settlement of serious corruption cases ảnh 1The meeting on November 18 takes place under the chair of Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong urged relevant agencies to complete dealing with serious corruption cases on schedule, while addressing a meeting of the standing board of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption in Hanoi on November 18.

Participants listened to a report on the outcomes of the handling of the cases under the committee’s supervision since the anti-corruption body’s 15th session in January this year. They also discussed and gave directions on ways to deal with several complex cases.

Speaking at the event, the leader, who is also head of the committee, said since the 15th session, central and local relevant agencies have strived to speed up the investigation, prosecution and trying of the cases under the committee’s supervision.

He noted that probes into many cases have been expanded and many more suspects investigated, clarifying their corrupt practices to handle them in line with the law.

Relevant agencies have finished dealing with 13 cases and 24 incidents, launched probes into 10 new cases and resumed seven other investigations, completed enquiries into 21 cases involving 127 people, prosecuted 18 cases involving 98 people, opened first-instance trials on 12 cases with 41 defendants, and held appeal trials on 13 cases with 156 defendants.

They have also seized suspected assets, blocked accounts and prevented transactions worth over 10 trillion VND (432.3 million USD).

Particularly, Trong said, authorities have strictly handled some serious and complicated cases that stirred up public concern such as the abuse of position and power to appropriate assets at the Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group (Vinashin), the trading in fake medicine at the VN Pharma JSC, and the deliberate violation of the State’s regulations causing serious consequences at the Vietnam Social Security.

The leader attributed those outcomes to the great resolve, high consensus and close coordination among the central steering committee and relevant agencies.

The settlement of the big cases has continued to assert the Party and State’s determination in the corruption fight, which must be carried out in a resolute, persistent and continuous manner and spare nobody, he stressed.

The leader requested Party committees and organisations at all levels to further direct relevant agencies to push ahead with investigating, prosecuting and trying corruption cases on schedule.

From now to the end of this year, they have to finish probing into six cases, prosecute five cases, open first-instance trials on 11 cases, hold appeal trials on two others, and complete the verification of 17 incidents, he added./.

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