The programme, the first ofits kind held overseas since the reopening on March 15, updated participants onVietnam’s tourism resumption policy, along with travel products and services ofnational flag carrier Vietnam Airlines and Thien Minh Group (TMG) - two organisers ofthe event. It also served as a platform for Vietnamese and British businessesto share information and seek partnership chances.
In his speech, AmbassadorNguyen Hoang Long said Vietnam is emerging as an attractive destination forforeign tourists thanks to beautiful landscapes, hospitable people, and diverse cuisine. Over the last 10 years, the number of British visitors to Vietnam hasgrown by 15 - 20 percent annually, which is partly thanks to direct flightsconducted by Vietnam Airlines and Bamboo Airways.
The country looks to becomeone of the leading tourist attractions in the world, he noted, affirming thatthe embassy and other representative agencies of Vietnam in the UK will dotheir utmost to provide the best services for British travellers who are interestedin Vietnam.
TMG Chairman and CEO TranTrong Kien held that the Vietnamese Government’s tourism reopening decision iscompletely right and clear-sighted. As some major sources of tourists likeChina and Japan remain closed to or still restrict international tourism, thereopening with only a few restrictions will help Vietnam’s tourism sectorconnect with large markets like Europe, including the UK.
The target of welcoming 500,000- 1 million British visitors this year is completely feasible, he added.
Nicolas Corney, Director foraviation services of the London-based Southall Travel, applauded Vietnam’stourism reopening, describing this as a big opportunity for bolstering tourismbetween the two countries.
He added the 15-day visaexemption for tourists to Vietnam is a perfect condition for those wishing totravel to the country for the first time, and expressed his belief that withbeautiful natural landscapes, special culture, and charming cuisine, Vietnamhas only few tourism rivals in the region.
It is important for thecountry to further popularise its tourism reopening policy and entry proceduressuch as those on pre-departure COVID-19 testing, Corney recommended.
Before the pandemic, Vietnamposted annual tourism growth of 22.7 percent during 2015 - 2019. The sector made up 9.2 percent of its gross domestic product.
The tourism industry aims to returnto 45 - 50 percent of the pre-pandemic levels in 2022 - 2023, attracting about9 million international arrivals by the end of 2023./.