Train tickets for Tet being sold from Saigon railway station

Saigon railway station started selling train tickets for the upcoming Lunar New Year 2019 on the first day of October. On the first selling day, nearly 60,000 seats were booked.

Saigon railway station started selling train tickets for the upcoming Lunar New Year 2019 on the first day of October. On the first selling day, nearly 60,000 seats were booked.

Similar to previous years, most people understand how to buy tickets online or via SMS platform. So, those who made preorders found no difficulties when coming to the station to get their tickets and pay.

This year Saigon railway station has prepared very carefully for this selling season. Three selling booths and more personnel have been added while the stations continues expanding cooperation with firms like FPT and VIB bank to assist clients in booking tickets online. Security has also been intensified to stop black market sellers.

According to the initial plan, 300,000 seats will be available for 2019 Lunar New Year holiday./.-VNA