Urban economy to contribute 85% of national GDP by 2030

Urban economy to contribute 85% of national GDP by 2030

The urban economy is expected to contribute some 75% of the national GDP by 2025 and about 85% by 2030 under an action programme of the Government.

The programme set the target of raising the urbanisation rate to over 50% and the number of urban areas nationwide to about 1,000-1,200 by 2030.

By that time, there will be a number of national and regional urban centres that satisfy health, education-training, and culture standards set for an urban area in the top four ASEAN countries.

The average housing floor area per capita in urban areas will reach at least 28 square meters by 2025 and 32 square meters by 2030.

Broadband internet will cover more than 80% of the urban households by 2025, and target all of them in the next five years.

By 2045, Vietnam aims to have at least five international urban areas connected with regional and global networks.

The programme also includes devising policies and legal documents to facilitate implementation./.