Veteran teachers featured in book

A book on the life of veteran teachers written by associate professor and lecturer Tran Huu Ta has been released to celebrate Vietnam Teachers' Day on November 20.
Veteran teachers featured in book ảnh 1The book features the life and career of 25 veteran teachers (Photo:

HCM City (VNA) – A book on the life of veteran teachers written by associate professor and lecturer Tran Huu Ta, former Deputy Head of the HCM City Pedagogical University's Literature Faculty, has been released to celebrate Vietnam Teachers' Day on November 20.

The 324-page book, Tu Buc Giang Den Van Dan – Chan Dung 25 Nguoi Thay (From Training to Writing - Portraits of 25 Veteran Teachers), features the life and career of 25 veteran teachers who have played a role in the country's education and training.

The teachers are some of the country's leading authors, historical and cultural researchers, including Dao Duy Anh, Vu Dinh Hoe, Tran Van Giau, Gian Chi and Nguyen Dinh Dau.

The book was collected and compiled by Ta, an author, literary critic and cultural researcher, who has taught Vietnamese literature at universities.

To complete his latest book, Ta spent nearly 10 years on writing.

Printed by the Tre (Youth) Publishing House, the book is valuable for literary and historical lecturers and researchers, and students.

Ta graduated in literature from the Hanoi Pedagogical University (HPU) in 1959. He was the principal of the Son Tay Pedagogical College before returning to work for the HPU in 1965.

In 1985, he moved to HCM City and began working for the HCM City Pedagogical University, where he continues to work.

He has written and compiled several books and documentaries on literary criticism and cultural research.

His works include a collection of two books titled Van Hoc Dan Gian (Vietnamese Folk Literature), both issued by the Hanoi Education Publishing House in 1999.-VNA


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