Vice President visits anti-pandemic forces in An Giang

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan on June 7 visited COVID-19 prevention and control forces in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang.
Vice President visits anti-pandemic forces in An Giang ảnh 1Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan (C) visits anti-pandemic forces in An Giang (Photo: VNA)

An Giang (VNA) - Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan on June 7 visited COVID-19 prevention and control forces in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang.

The Vice President underlined the need for officers and soldiers engaging in preventing and controlling COVID-19 in border areas in general and the provincial Border Guard in particular to implement drastic measures in order to prevent the disease from entering the locality.

She demanded the provincial Border Guard tighten border management, maintain its readiness in fighting the pandemic, and thoroughly prevent illegal border crossings.

Xuan also asked for the building of an all-people defence posture so that each citizen is a “soldier” in the fight against COVID-19.

She directed border guard posts and border authorities in An Giang to be proactive and flexible in border guard diplomacy, and to work closely with the border guard forces of neighbouring countries to contain the spread of the disease via borders.

The Vice President took the occasion to present An Giang with five ventilators and other medical supplies worth 2 billion VND (87,000 USD). She also gave gifts to 20 policy beneficiary and poor households and 10 students living in difficult circumstances in Tri Ton border district./.


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