At the talks, both sides expressed theirdelight at the nations’ friendship and sound cooperation across many fieldsover the past 45 years since the establishment of the bilateral diplomaticrelations. They agreed that the two countries need to enhance all-level interactionsand exchanges.
They noted the need to continue theeffective implementation of the Vietnam-Greece tourism cooperation agreement and advance the bilateral collaboration in education – training, archaeology,cultural exchange and other exchange activities.
Xuan asked the Greek Deputy PrimeMinister to convey an invitation to pay an official visit to Vietnam from Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to the Greek PrimeMinister, and thanked Greece for the decision to donate250,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to Vietnam.
The Vice President lauded Greece'searly ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and theEU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA). She said that the sides’ economic- trade cooperation is yet to be on par with their political relations and theirpotentials.
Xuan also expressed her wish to receivetechnical support from Greece and the EU to implement solutions to combatillegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
Deputy PM Panagiotis Pikrammenosaffirmed that the Greek Government will make efforts to promote its cooperationwith Vietnam in all aspects, both bilaterally and multilaterally.
Exchanging views on international andregional issues of mutual concern, the two sides stressed the importance ofpeace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation, and of dispute settlementby peaceful means that respect international law and the 1982 United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Meeting with Dimitrios Koutsoumpas, theVietnamese Vice President stated Vietnam commits to being a trustworthy andresponsible friend, partner and member of the international community with activeparticipation in international and regional cooperation processes.
Praising positive growth of theVietnam-Greece ties, she affirmed that Vietnam values and wants to strengthenits friendship and multifaceted collaboration with Greece.
Both officials agreed to maintainbilateral consultation and cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties andStates in a bid to push the nations’ relations to new heights.
Chairing the Vietnam-Greece businessseminar, Vice President Xuan said it is a golden time now for the twocountries to work closely together to bring their good traditional relationshipto new heights. The sides need to promote exchange and trade of commodities oftheir strengths.
On November 2, Xuan concluded her visit,departing for Vietnam./.