Vietnam and Laos issue joint statement

Vietnam and Laos issued a 10-point joint statement on the occasion of an official friendship visit to Vietnam by Lao Party General Secretary and State President Thongloun Sisoulith, his wife, and a high-ranking delegation of the Lao Party and State from June 28-29.
Vietnam and Laos issue joint statement ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Lao Party General Secretary and State President Thongloun Sisoulith toast the solidarity and friendship between the the two countries. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) -  Vietnam and Laos issued a 10-point joint statement on the occasion of an official friendship visit to Vietnam by Lao Party General Secretary and State President Thongloun Sisoulith, his wife, and a high-ranking delegation of the Lao Party and State from June 28-29.

The joint statement stated that during this visit, the two sides informed each other about the situation of each Party and each country. They exchanged and agreed on guidelines and measures to continue developing the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos in an extensive, effective and substantive manner. They also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

The two sides expressed their firm belief that the cause of renewal, national construction and defence in Vietnam and Laos will continue to gain greater achievements, constantly improving the role and position of each country in the region and in the world, firmly towards the socialist path.

The two countries affirmed that the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos are an invaluable asset of the two peoples. They emphasised the goal of national independence and socialism, and affirmed to continue to stand side by side and support each other in the construction and development cause of each country.

The two sides sincerely thanked each other for the great and valuable support and assistance they have given each other during the past struggle for national liberation and unification, as well as in the reform, national construction, development and defence today.

They also agreed to continue deepening political relations to achieve greater efficiency; closely cooperate in strategic issues related to security and development of each country; maintain visits and meetings between senior leaders of the two parties and countries; and build some historical monuments of significance in the Vietnam - Laos relations.

The two countries agreed to make efforts to improve cooperation efficiency, to step up the connection of transport, energy, telecommunications and tourism infrastructure and strengthen the exchange of experience in macroeconomic management between the two countries. Preferential policies will be issued to encourage enterprises of the two countries to invest in the fields of potential and strengths of the two sides, while solutions will be synchronously deployed to increase two-way trade turnover, said the joint statement.

The two sides have closely coordinated in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic and promoted cooperation and support to each other to overcome difficulties for socio-economic development.

They continue to well implement the agreements on immigrants, consular affairs and labour between the two countries, create favorable conditions for Vietnamese in Laos and Lao in Vietnam to live, work and study in accordance with each country's law and international practices.

The two sides emphasised the importance and agreed to further strengthen cooperation on defence and security, ensuring solid support for each other, build the Vietnam-Laos border line of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation, and sustainable development as well as effectively implement the protocols and cooperation plans on defence, security and border. They also agreed to continue to make joint efforts to search and repatriate the remains of Vietnamese martyrs, volunteers and experts who died in Laos.

The two sides reached consensus on enhancing timely information exchange, close consultation, coordination, and effective mutual support at international and regional forums, strengthen coordination with Cambodia to effectively implement the Agreement between the three Prime Ministers on the Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Development Triangle (CLV), and actively implement the Action Plan to connect the three economies of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam by 2030, according to the joint statement.

The two countries vowed to continue to strengthen cooperation and close coordination with each other, and with relevant countries and international organisations to manage, develop, and use effectively and sustainably the Mekong River's water resource and related resources to harmonise the interests of countries in the Mekong River Basin. 

They agreed to work closely together within the framework of the Mekong River Commission and other relevant cooperation mechanisms, and promote the integration of sub-regional cooperation mechanisms into  the process of building the ASEAN Community as well as encourage ASEAN countries and partners outside the region to actively participate in support and investment in the Mekong sub-region.

The two sides emphasised the importance of maintaining peace, stability, ensuring security, safety, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea, and of settling disputes in the East Sea by peaceful means based on international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982). They pledged to work with relevant parties to promote the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and soon achieve an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international laws, including UNCLOS 1982. They also reaffirmed their high consensus with ASEAN's basic positions on the East Sea as stated in the ASEAN Declaration.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Lao Party General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith witnessed the signing ceremony of cooperation documents between the two countries.

The two sides highly appreciated the good results and historical significance of the visit.

Lao General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith invited General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, and senior leaders of the Party and State of Vietnam to pay an official friendship visit to Laos.

The invitation was accepted with pleasure. The specific time of the visits will be arranged through diplomatic channels./.


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