The biennial event, which drew 120 delegates from 45 countries worldwide,focused on operational solutions arising from the Actions proposed in the ASEMAction Plan 2016-2017, prioritisedsectors, including the implementation of the Customs Trade Facilitation,product safety, border management and intellectual property rights.
The meeting also adopted structure for the upcoming Action Plan 2018-2019 withidentification of significant contents for the period.
Customs cooperation is among ASEM economic pillars which bolster multilateraltrade among the World Trade Organisation (WTO)’s members. The collaborationfocuses on building measures to facilitate trade and security for trade supplychain, standardise and simplify customs procedure, prevent counterfeit andprotect the environment.
The Vietnamese Customs’ prestige and position has been growing on theinternational arena thanks to rosy achievements in customs reforms and the proactiveengagement in building legal frameworks for regional customs integration andcooperation.
Vietnam will host the next event in 2019, representing its role and stature at internationalforums.
Earlier, Customs of Singapore and Thailand hosted similar meetings.-VNA