New York (VNA) – Vietnam strongly condemns and opposes all acts ofviolence or abuses committed against civilians and excessive use of lethalweapons to strike civilian facilities, including schools, hospitals,residential and public areas.
“Such acts have constituted a clear violation ofinternational law and gravely threatened international peace and security,” AmbassadorNguyen Phuong Nga, Head of Vietnam’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations,said at the UN Security Council’s Open Debate themed “Protection of Civiliansin Armed Conflicts” on May 22.
The Ambassador affirmed that each country has the primary responsibilityto protect its own civilians and to deal with violence against civilians withinits jurisdiction.
She called on parties involved to strictly comply with theirobligations to protect civilians in line with human rights and humanitarianlaws and relevant Security Council resolutions, notably Resolutions 1894 and2286, as well as fully respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity andpolitical independence of states.
“The United Nations should further enhance its leading role,in close coordination with regional organizations and other relevant actors, tohelp strengthen the culture of complying with international law, promote goodexamples and best practices in addressing armed conflicts and protectingcivilians, facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to civilians inneed, as well as assist countries’ efforts in resolving conflicts by peacefulmeans, improving their national capacity to address the root causes of conflictand advancing sustainable development,” Nga suggested.
The Ambassador expressed concern about the escalatingviolence in the Gaza Strip over the past days, causing many deaths andcasualties to the Palestinians. She called on concerned parties to exerciserestraint, stop escalating tensions, settle conflicts through peaceful measuresand strive for a comprehensive, equitable and sustainable solution, saving lifeof the Palestinians and ensuring legitimate interests of the parties concerned,and regional peace and stability.
“Prevention of conflict and peaceful resolution of disputeare the best ways to protect civilians,” she stated. “It is high time now totranslate from words to deeds to end the sufferings of innocent people”.
Earlier, in his opening remarks, UN Secretary GeneralAntonio Guterres said that over 128 million people, particularly in conflicthotbeds in the world such as Afghanistan, Central Africa, Congo, Iraq, Somaliaand Yemen, need relief.
Escalating conflicts have left serious consequences on humanand property, destroyed many civilian facilities, violated human rights andhampered international humanitarian relief.
He confirmed the UN gives the priority to conflictprevention and peaceful resolution and consider it the most effective way toprotect civilians.
He recommended governments of member states to buildstrategies, a code of conduct and action plans to protect civilians duringconflicts.
Participating countries showed their back for the UNSecretary General’s recommendations, emphasising the need to pay attention tomeasures to ensure civilians’ safety as well as protecting civilian facilities,address the root reasons of conflicts, and increase national capacity andresilience to protect civilians effectively.-VNA