Vietnam confident, ready to shoulder int'l ​responsibilities: President

Joining hands with the international community today is a new Vietnam that is confident and willing to shoulder international responsibilities for peace and sustainable development, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc said in a message on the occasion of Vietnam’s successful completion of its tenure as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2020-2021.

In the message, the President recalled the moment the name plate “Vietnam” was placed in the meeting room of the UNSC two years ago. The country had been entrusted by the international community with 192 approval votes out of 193 votes.

According to Phuc, it was a great pride but also a challenge to Vietnam amid the complicated developments in the region and the world and serious impacts of COVID-19 pandemic.

In the past two years, Vietnam actively and proactively engaged in and proposed many initiatives and made substantive contributions to the UNSC’s work, he stressed.

The country followed the motto of “partnership for sustainable peace” in seeking solutions to prevent and settle conflicts, connecting the UNSC with ASEAN, responding to challenges to global peace and security based on the compliance with the UN Charter and international law, the state leader of Vietnam noted./.