Designed by Vietnamese artist To Minh Trang from VietnamPost and her Cuban counterpart Roberto Menéndez Roiz, the stamps, measuring 4.6x 3.1 cm, feature the castle of Santo Domingo de Atarés in Cuba and Thang LongImperial Citadel in Vietnam, which are both recognised by UNESCO as worldcultural heritage sites.
In her remarks, Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister AnayansiRodríguez Camejo highlighted the special relations between Vietnam and Cuba.
Strong political trust for each other is fundamental forthe two sides to accelerate cooperation in all fields, she said, adding thattheir recent mutual support in combating the COVID-19 clearly demonstrates thepurity of the bilateral partnership.
Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Le Thanh Tung, for hispart, recalled the two countries’ relentless efforts over the past 60 years,despite geographical distance as well as historic ups and downs, to develop thebilateral ties on the three pillars of unity, comprehensive cooperation andmutual trust.
Tung said Vietnam is always grateful for Cuba’sassistance in the past and that Vietnamese people stand side by side with theirCuban brothers during hardships.
There is plenty of room for enhancing cooperation betweenthe two countries, he continued, affirming that with collective efforts, theywill be able to write new chapters for their special friendship, solidarity andcooperation, in line with both sides’ desires and interests./.