Many services have moved to online platforms due to the unforeseen development of the COVID-19 pandemic, from online teaching and online diagnoses to online business. In March alone, Vietnam saw a major jump in access to online administrative procedures as well as internet access. It is evident that, in order to survive, businesses must innovate and adapt to the ever-changing online world.
Vietnam is utilising the large number of people using mobile devices and its broad internet coverage. Warning messages regarding COVID-19 are sent out regularly and the number of infections is updated on social media. Electronic medical declarations via mobile apps and the COVID-19 patient tracing feature have been bright spots.
Many risks and problems accompany becoming a digitalized country and one is information security. The most important thing now, however, is to create simple services so that everyone can access and use them.
Digitalization has been a hazy concept in the past, but thanks to COVID-19 both people and businesses have experienced the benefits that digitalization can bring./.