With the lowest selling price of 18 AUD per kg in theAustralian market, the shipment would fetch more than390,000 AUD.
As such, with its harvest season lasting from June toSeptember, the potential of the export of the fruit is not inferior to that of other fruitsbeing exported to Australia.
The fruit, called Sau in Vietnamese, is used in Vietnamese cooking for its sour taste. It is also often preserved in sugar to make a cooling drink in summer.
Thetrade office has worked closely with the Uu Dam company in promoting the fruitin Australia via advertisement on social networkstargeting key consumption areas, sales promotion with prizes, and step-by-step introductionto large distribution systems. The office will soon launch an English-language cooking book featuring recipes using the fruit.
According to the agency, although many cities in Australian are under social distancing measures and the transport of goods for export faces many difficulties, in the first half, Vietnam’sexport of fruits and vegetables to Australia posted a recordgrowth of more than 52 percent compared to the same period in 2019, reachingmore than 40 million USD. If other key agricultural products like cashew nut, peppercorn, coffee and rice are included are taken into account, the total export value amounted to 110 million USD./.