Vietnam-France association marks 60th founding anniversary

The Vietnam-France Friendship and Cooperation Association (VFFCA) celebrated its 60th anniversary (July 2, 1955 - July 2, 2015) in Hanoi on June 27.
The Vietnam-France Friendship and Cooperation Association (VFFCA) celebrated its 60th anniversary (July 2, 1955 - July 2, 2015) in Hanoi on June 27.

On the occasion, the association launched the photography exhibition ‘Vietnam-Ho Chi Minh: the Vietnam-France Friendship’.

Nguyen Huy Quang, chairman of the VFFCA, said that as one of Vietnam’s first mass organisations, the association had contributed substantially to the implementation of the Party’s policies on external relations over the past six decades, especially in calling upon the French public to support the Vietnamese people in their struggle for liberation and reunification.

The association also supported Vietnam’s post-war reconstruction efforts, poverty reduction campaigns, the regional and global integration process, and the defence of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the industrialisation and modernisation processes.

Jean Noel Poirier, the French Ambassador to Vietnam, pledged the embassy’s continued support for the VFFCA to further promote the friendship and cooperation between the two countries’ peoples and deepen the strategic partnership between France and Vietnam.

On the occasion, the VFFCA was also awarded t he Prime Minister’s Certificate of Merit.-VNA

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