Almost 1,500 leading Vietnamese and foreign specialists from 36 nationsand territories will attend the 10 th meeting of Endoscopic andLaparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA 2010 Vietnam ) scheduled to be heldin Hanoi from Nov. 24-27.
ELSA VicePresident and Secretary General Asso. Prof. Tran Binh Giang said thatthe participants will introduce the latest applications of endoscopicand laparoscopic techniques , including robotic, thoracic and bariatricsurgery as well as gastric and pancreatic resection.
ELSA holds an annual conference in rotation with member countries. TheVietnam Association of Endolaparoscopic Surgeons (VAES) was set up inHanoi in 2006 with more than 800 endoscopic experts ingastroenterology, thorax, urology, gynaecology and paediatrics. VAESwill host its third congress in conjunction with ELSA 2010./.