In comparison with the year-on-year importfigures, when auto importers faced barriers from the Government’s Decree 116 onthe conditions for production, assembly, import and business of automobilewarranty and maintenance services last year, the February figure increased by5,667 percent in volume and 1,696 percent in value.
February saw strong performance because importershave met the requirements of Decree 116, especially the Vehicle Type ApprovalCertificate, and stabilised their imports.
Cars imported from Thailand gained the highestvolume of nearly 9,400 units, accounting for 66.4 percent of the total importsin the month. It was followed by Indonesia with over 3,820 units.
The average prices of Thai and Indonesian carswere at 19,700 USD and 16,600 USD each, respectively. These prices were low becausethey both enjoy zero percent import duty when exporting products to SoutheastAsia members, including Vietnam.
The figures imported from countries includingJapan, Russia, the US and the UK were not high, according to the generaldepartment.-VNA