Vietnam improves HIV care and support services

Despite recent achievements in the fight against HIV/AIDS, negative public connotations surrounding the illness persist, making it hard to increase work in prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Despite recent achievements in the fight against HIV/AIDS, negative public connotations surrounding the illness persist, making it hard to increase work in prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The emergence of numerous clinics specialising in HIV treatment and prevention recently has built up confidence among HIV carriers, as well as the vulnerable groups with high risk of infection.

This young fellow is a familiar client of Glink clinic in District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, a venue for HIV treatment, prevention and consultation that specifically serves the LGBT community. 

According to recent studies, those in the LGBT community hold high chances of HIV infection, accounting for 20 percent of high-risk group. Therefore, early detection plays an important role in HIV prevention and treatment, as well as avoidance of HIV spreading among the community.

Apart from increasing confidence among vulnerable people, such clinics have contributed to the prevention of HIV by creating a friendly and open environment for high-risk groups. 

Community activist groups, volunteers, peers, and community health workers have done an admirable job in connecting the health sector with vulnerable groups, greatly contributing to the HIV prevention programme. 

Community activist groups have done significant work in helping HIV carriers break through barriers of negativity and inferiority, therefore greatly contributing to society. –VNA