Vietnam, Indonesia enhance cooperative relations

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son was received by President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace of Indonesia on July 20.

Minister Son affirmed Vietnam's policy of attaching importance to further developing the strategic partnership with Indonesia

President Jokowi suggested the two sides consider building an action plan to develop the strategic partnership for the 2024-2028 period, raising bilateral trade to 15 billion USD by 2028.

The same day, Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi co-chaired the fourth meeting of the Joint Committee on Bilateral Cooperation in Jakarta.

The two sides agreed on the assessment that the relationship between Vietnam and Indonesia is deepening effectively, especially since the establishment of the strategic partnership in 2013.

Economic and trade cooperation has grown tremendously, with two-way trade in 2021 reaching 11.5 billion USD, up 40% compared to 2020.

The ministers agreed to increase meetings at all levels, maintain and utilise existing cooperation mechanisms, and encourage the resumption of art and people-to-people exchanges, especially in 2023 when the two nations mark the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership./.