VIPREMIUM 2022 returns from June 2 to 5 with a mission of connecting domesticand foreign businesses in the beauty - fashion, premium food and beverages,gift and houseware, smart devices, healthy and eco-friendly items, stationery,and office items industries, according to the organisers.
To be held at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre, the fair will have350 booths set up by 250 companies, and is expected to welcome 10,000 buyersand visitors.
Among its highlights will be the Korea Sourcing Fair with brands from acrossKorea and premium consumer products.
Seminars will be hosted on the sidelines by experts on various industries toprovide updates on consumer trends in Vietnam and around the world and bringinggoods into supply chains.
The fair will also include direct and online business-matching programmes toconnect exhibitors with potential buyers, a ‘buyer zone’ where participants candirectly exchange information with the purchasing department of bigsupermarkets, convenience store chains and online retailers./.