Vietnam, Laos bolster links in training NA deputies

The Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Committee for Deputy Affairs and the Legislature Research Institute under the Lao NA’s Standing Committee will promote links in raising their deputies’ capacity.
Vietnam, Laos bolster links in training NA deputies ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: Internet)

Vientiane (VNA) – Representatives from the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Committee for Deputy Affairs and the Legislature Research Institute under the Lao NA’s Standing Committee have agreed to further promote links between the two agencies in raising their deputies’ capacity.

The two sides discussed and proposed a cooperation scheme in the work at their talks in Vientiane on July 13.

Accordingly, the two agencies will continue working closely to build a draft agreement on cooperation in training Lao NA deputies and members of its People’s Councils in the next five years.

The centre for training elected deputies of the Vietnamese NA Committee for Deputy Affairs will support its Lao counterpart in building training programmes between 2016-2020 and plans for each year in the period, and provide training courses for NA deputies and members of provincial-level People’s Councils.

Links in arranging training activities in Laos and Vietnam, and experience sharing between the two centres in the field will be fostered.

The Lao centre will be provided with documents serving training programmes for elected deputies, and assisted in developing websites and distance training programmes.

Sharing Vietnam’s experience in the field, Head of the NA Committee for Deputy Affairs Tran Van Tuy stressed that recent activities to raise the capacity of NA deputies in Vietnam have been joined by various NA agencies.

Representatives from the two sides also pointed out limitations in training NA deputies.

On the occasion, the two centres signed a memorandum of understanding on their future cooperation, which will focus on giving advice on outlining a draft cooperation agreement in training NA deputies and People’s Council members of Laos.-VNA


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