Vietnam, Laos foster Buddhist friendship

Vietnam is willing to create favourable conditions for thriving Buddhist links with Laos, thus contributing to the long-term comprehensive collaboration between the two nations.
Vietnam, Laos foster Buddhist friendship ảnh 1Illustration photo. Source: VNA

Vietnam is willing to create favourable conditions for thriving Buddhist links with Laos, thus contributing to the long-term comprehensive collaboration between the two nations.

Deputy Head of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs Bui Thanh Ha made the statement on September 1 while hosting a delegation from the Lao Buddhist Coalition Central Committee led by Most Venerable Ngon Dam Hong Boun.

The Lao venerable said a range of joint activities, such as visit exchanges and Buddhism education, have been organised following a memorandum of understanding on cooperation signed between the two agencies in 2015.

He hoped the ties would continue to grow based on the spirit of Vietnam-Laos solidarity.

After the meeting, the Lao delegation had a working session with the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Central Committee to discuss their future coordination.-VNA


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