VFF President receives Lao Buddhist Coalition leader

Politburo member and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan met with the head of the Lao Buddhist Coalition Central Committee, Monk Phong Samauruks, on September 5 in Hanoi.
Politburo member and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan met with the head of the Lao Buddhist Coalition Central Committee, Monk Phong Samauruks, on September 5 in Hanoi.

Nhan briefed the guest on the work of VFF and its ongoing partnership with the Lao Front for National Construction, focusing on creating a shared border of peace, friendship, cooperation and mutual development.

He attributed the development of the partnership to the efforts of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha - an active member of the VFF.

Nhan also thanked the Lao Buddhist Coalition for supporting Vietnam in the organisation of the UN Day of Vesak earlier this year.

Monk Phong Samauruks pledged to continue efforts to bolster the relationship between the two Buddhist organisations of Vietnam and Laos.

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