Vietnam makes big leap in human development: UNDP

Vietnam has made good progress in human development, with an average annual Human Development Index (HDI) growth of 1.36 percent during the 1990-2018 period.
Vietnam makes big leap in human development: UNDP ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) –
Vietnam has made good progress in human development,with an average annual Human Development Index (HDI) growth of 1.36 percentduring the 1990-2018 period.

This places Vietnam amongthe group of countries with the highest HDI growth rate in the world.

This is one of the key finding of the 2019 Human Development Report, entitled“Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in humandevelopment in the 21st Century”, released by the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) on December 9.”

Addressing the report launching ceremony in Hanoi, UNDP Resident Representativein Vietnam Caitlin Wiesen said the 2019 Human Development Report disclosed thenext generation of inequalities emerging around digital technology, education,and the climate crisis and proposes new ways of measuring and approachinginequalities.

Wiesen praised Vietnam for having firmly embarked on people-centereddevelopment and equality in its current socio-economic development strategiesand plans.

“Vietnam’s significant Human Development progress since 1990 has been achievedwith relatively low increases in inequality,” she said.

Taking into account the Inequality Adjusted HDI, Vietnam is nine places higherthan its HDI ranking in 2018, she added.

According to the report, with the HDI of 0.63, Vietnam ranks 118th out of 189countries, and it needs only an additional 0.007 points to join the High HumanDevelopment group. Vietnam’s HDI rank is higher than India, Laos, Myanmar andCambodia.

Vietnam has also been performing well in terms of gender equality. The GenderDevelopment Index value of 1.003 puts the country in the top five groups of 166countries in the world, with Vietnam ranking 68th out of 162 countries inGender Inequality Index. Particularly commendable is the share of seats inparliament which places Vietnam among the top third of countries globally.

However, Caitlin said, there were important areas for improvement. Vietnam ranksamong the bottom third of countries globally in terms of sex ratio at birth(1.12), violence against women by non-intimate partners (34.4 percent) andwomen with accounts in financial institutions or with mobile money serviceprovider (30.4 percent).

Although Vietnam’s forest coverage as among the top third of countriesglobally, the country is among the bottom third of countries in terms of carbonemission per capita.

Addressing these would be a key challenge to ensure the sustainability of Vietnam’sgrowth, she said.

Caitlin suggested Vietnam raise people’s awareness of sex-selection issue.

Nguyen Tien Phong, Assistant Resident Representative of UNDP, said regarding tosocio-economic sustainability, a lot of jobs generated by small and mediumenterprises did not require skills, meaning Vietnam ranks low in skilled labourforce and vulnerable employment.

Vu Dai Thang, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, said Vietnam hasissued an action plan on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainabledevelopment.

The Vietnamese Government’s determination was represented by the NationAssembly's approval of the master plan on socio-economic development forethnic minority people with the goal of ensure equality in human development.It was in accordance with the spirit “Don’t leave any one behind” upheld by thegovernment, he said./.

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