Vietnam News Agency supports police force

Vietnam News Agency (VNA)’s publications, particularly the domestic bulletins, prioritise the coverage of news on national defence and public security.
 Vietnam News Agency supports police force ảnh 1Scene at the get-together. Photo: VNA

Vietnam News Agency (VNA)’s publications, particularly the domestic bulletins, prioritise the coverage of news on national defence and public security, stated VNA General Director Nguyen Duc Loi.

Loi made the statement on August 3 during a gathering to mark 70 years of the people’s police force which took place on the VNA premises.

According to the General Director, the event is an opportunity to honour outstanding contributors to combating crime and share valuable experience in fostering their impact on society.

The gathering also stimulates coordinated activities between the people’s police force and the media, particularly the VNA, he noted.

Concluding the meeting, Deputy Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Bui Quang Ben said throughout its 70-year history, the force has made significant efforts to protecting the Party leadership and securing people’s livelihoods.

Concerning a joint resolution on communications between the force and the VNA from 2011-2015, he acknowledged the agency’s contribution to building a stronger and more transparent people’s police force.

On the occasion, the VNA presented eight insignias “For the cause of the VNA” and a certificate of merit from the VNA General Director to the force’s officials while receiving two certificates of merit from Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang.-VNA

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